Data Collection

Kite Survey Solutions

Build custom online surveys, conduct observations, and collect data and responses with the Kite Survey Solutions product suite.

Use the Survey Solutions web tool to create, assign, and track surveys across your entire organization and see the results instantly! A wide variety of question types are available, including ability for administrators to embed videos, PowerPoints, PDFs, and external links in their survey.

Download the Kite Collector mobile app or access the web version to complete teacher surveys, student observations, classroom environment questionnaires, and more. Distribute secure surveys by creating user accounts that require a login or send out an open link to collect anonymous responses.

Kite Survey Solutions is integrated with Educator Portal (EP), allowing administrators to build surveys and assign them directly to the organization's EP user population. Surveys can then be appropriately assigned and managed by the user within EP.

Mobile Tools for Field Observation

The Kite Collector mobile app for iOS or Android devices allows administrators to record data and observations on participants anywhere and any time using a portable device. No internet connection? No problem! Complete your observations offline and upload them when you reconnect to the internet.
Kite Collector on a phone showing three screens

Timed Observations

No time for old school paper-pencil data collection methods? Kite Collector provides the platform to record data and observations using a computer, smartphone, or tablet. Watch the video below to learn more about Kite's timed observation feature.

All the Tools You Need to Build Custom Surveys

timed observation survey

Timed Observation Surveys

Ensure your observations produce valid results by limiting the observation time to a predetermined amount.
Data collection question banks

Question Banks

Select from a Master Bank of over 250 pre-built survey questions in four categories: School Climate Surveys, Social & Emotional Growth Surveys, Parent Feedback, Teacher and Staff Feedback.
anonymous survey

Anonymous Surveys

Declare a survey as anonymous and distribute through a link or a QR code that does not require a login.

Kite Navigator

Kite Navigator is an interactive online dashboard used to deliver individualized student instructional resources and educator tools that promote student progress toward grade-level expectations. The dashboard serves as an online structure for implementing the Shared Writing Instructional Model (SWIM) instructional cycle, which leverages learning maps and map-related resources to support teaching and learning.

Sample screen from the Navigator tool depicting cluster information

Kite Navigator in the Field

Using Kite Navigator, educators have the ability to track student progress through an instructional cycle. As shown in the preview, users can control their view to show the student’s current target level details or display the cycles that make up the entire learning map neighborhood.